Del Maestro, Adrian

Adrian Del Maestro
Professor and Department Head | Quantum Materials / Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Brief Vita
- PhD, Physics, Harvard University (2008)
- MS, Physics, Yale University (2005)
- MSc, Physics, University of Waterloo (2003)
- BS, Physics and Math, University of Waterloo (2002)
- Department Head, Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (2022-present)
- Professor, Physics and Astronomy, and Min H. Kao Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (2020)
- Director, Vermont Advanced Computing Core, Burlington, VT (2019-2020)
- Director (Interim), Vermont Advanced Computing Core, Burlington, VT (2017)
- Associate Professor, Physics, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (2017)
- Faculty, Materials Science, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (2011)
- Assistant Professor, Physics University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (2011) Postdoctoral Fellow Institute for Quantum Matter, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (2010)
- Postdoctoral Scientist, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (2008)
Selected Honors
- International Travel Research Award, University of Vermont (2017)
- Organizer’s Poster Prize, International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Prague, Czech Republic (2016)
- Maxwell Cup, Undergraduate Physics Teaching Award, University of Vermont (2015)
- International Travel Research Award, University of Vermont (2015)
- International Travel Research Award, University of Vermont (2013)
- Post Graduate Scholarship B, NSERC, Canada (2007)
Research Areas
We are a research group focused on studying how collective and cooperative states of matter emerge in quantum many-body systems. We employ the tools of theoretical physics to study phase transitions, dimensional crossover and entanglement in quantum fluids, ultra-cold bosonic gases, superconductors and topological states of matter. This includes using quantum field theory in tandem with the development of novel high-performance computational algorithms for the study of strongly interacting quantum matter. We specialize in the low dimensional spatial continuum, where strong fluctuations preclude any long range ordered phases, and instead a type of universal liquid description is appropriate. Ultimately, we hope to learn how to harness the unique correlations present in all quantum-mechanical phases for high-precision measurement, secure long-distance communication and non-classical computation.
- Quantum Entanglement
- Quantum Nanofluidics
- Wetting & Adsorption
- Algorithmic Development for the Quantum Many-Body Problem
- Quantum Phase Transitions
- Infinite Randomness
Selected Recent Publications
- Two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model for helium on graphene
Jiangyong Yu, Ethan Lauricella, Mohamed Elsayed, Kenneth Shepherd Jr., Nathan S. Nichols, Todd Lombardi, Sang Wook Kim, Carlos Wexler, Juan M. Vanegas, Taras Lakoba, Valeri N. Kotov and Adrian Del Maestro, Phys. Rev. B, 103, 235414 (2021).
arXiv:2102.11288 - Theory of noninteracting fermions and bosons in the canonical ensemble
Hatem Barghathi, Jiangyong Yu and Adrian Del Maestro, Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 043206 (2020).
arXiv:2007.15661 - Dimensional reduction of helium-4 inside argon-plated MCM-41 nanopores
Nathan S. Nichols, Timothy R. Prisk, Garfield Warren, Paul Sokol and Adrian Del Maestro, Phys. Rev. B, 102, 144505 (2020).
arXiv:2006.06751 - Operationally accessible entanglement of one-dimensional spinless fermions
Hatem Barghathi, Emanuel Casiano-Diaz, and Adrian Del Maestro, Phys. Rev. A, 100, 022324 (2019).
arXiv:1905.03312 - Rényi Generalization of the Accessible Entanglement Entropy
Hatem Barghathi, C.M. Herdman, and Adrian Del Maestro, Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 150501 (2018).
arXiv:1804.01114 - Pair-breaking quantum phase transition in superconducting nanowires
Hyunjeong Kim, Frédéric Gay, Adrian Del Maestro, Benjamin Sacépé and Andrey Rogachev, Nature Phys., 14, 912 (2018).
arXiv:1709.01631 - Theory of Liquid Film Growth and Wetting Instabilities on Graphene
Sanghita Sengupta, Nathan S. Nichols, Adrian Del Maestro and Valerti N. Kotov, Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, 236802 (2018).
arXiv:1711.09901 - Entanglement area law in superfluid 4He
C. M. Herdman, P.-N. Roy, R.G. Melko and A. Del Maestro, Nature Phys., 13, 556 (2017).
arXiv:1610.08518 - Entangling qubit registers via many-body states of ultracold atoms
R. G. Melko, C. M. Herdman, D. Iouchtchenko, P.-N. Roy and A. Del Maestro, Phys. Rev. A, 93, 042336 (2016).
arXiv:1512.06462 - Critical flow and dissipation in a quasi-one-dimensional superfluid
Pierre-Francois Duc, Michel Savard, Matei Petrescu, Bernd Rosenow, Adrian Del Maestro and Guillaume Gervais, Science Adv., e1400222, 1 (2015).
arXiv:1412.5124 - Path-integral Monte Carlo method for Rényi entanglement entropies
C. M. Herdman, Stephen Inglis, P.-N. Roy, R. G. Melko and A. Del Maestro, Phys. Rev. E, 90, 013308 (2014).