Siopsis, George
George Siopsis
Professor and Director of Quantum Leap Initiative | Theoretical High Energy Physics
Brief Vita
George Siopsis, Professor of Physics, received a B.Sc. degree in Mathematical Physics from the University of Sussex, England, in 1982. He did his graduate work at the California Institute of Technology, where he received an M.S. (1983) and a Ph.D. (1987) in Physics. After spending four years at Texas A&M University as a Research Associate, he joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Tennessee in 1991. His CV is available here.
Dr. Siopsis is a theoretical particle physicist currently working on quantum computing and quantum information processing. Together with collaborators at ORNL, he has built a quantum optics laboratory for quantum cryptography, and in particular, measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution in free space, as well as quantum position verification. He has established a fruitful collaboration with ARL and its partners, such as JQI at the University of Maryland, studying topological quantum walks and quantum games with an eye toward elucidating the structure of topological materials and quantum network applications. He has been developing quantum algorithms (quantum machine learning, quantum field theory, quantum walks, quantum games, etc.) and implementing them on existing quantum hardware (IBM, IonQ, D-wave). He succeeded in getting the University of Tennessee and ARL sign a CRADA that establishes commitment to a long-term collaboration between the two Institutions in quantum information processing with a focus on quantum networks. In August 2019, he was awarded a NSF conceptualization grant to explore the creation of a Quantum Leap Challenge Institute at UTK. His research is funded by NSF, DoE/ORNL, ONR, DHS/CIRI, ARO, and DARPA. For more information on Dr. Siopsis’s research, please visit the web site of his group.
- Quantum Technologies Group
- Governor’s School for the Sciences and Engineering
- Applachian Quantum Initiative
- University of Tennessee Alumni Association Distinguished Service Professorship (2024)
Dr. Siopsis has taught the following courses:
- Physics 221 (Elements of Physics I)
- Physics 231 (Electricity and Magnetism)
- Physics 232 (Waves, Optics and Modern Physics)
- Physics 321 (Thermodynamics)
- Physics 431 (Electrodynamics I)
- Physics 432 (Electrodynamics II)
- Physics 493 (The Theory of Relativity)
- Physics 493 (Supercomputers)
- Physics 521 (Quantum Mechanics I)
- Physics 522 (Quantum Mechanics II)
- Physics 541-542 (Classical Electrodynamics for graduate students)
- Physics 642 (Gravitation and Cosmology)
- Physics 614 (String Theory I)
- Physics 614 (String Theory II)
- Physics 611 (Quantum Field Theory I)
- Physics 612 (Quantum Field Theory II)
- AdS/CFT Correspondence
- Physics 642 (Quantum Information)
- Introduction to Quantum Information
- Quantum Information
Selected Recent Publications
[Search Google Scholar for a full listing.]
- Scalar quantum field theories as a benchmark for near-term quantum computers. K Yeter-Aydeniz, EF Dumitrescu, AJ McCaskey, RS Bennink, RC Pooser, et al. Physical Review A 99 (3), 032306 (2019).
- Equiangular quantum key distribution in more than two dimensions. R Balu, PJ Koprowski, KA Okoudjou, JS Park, and G Siopsis. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (2018).
- Experimental study of Hong–Ou–Mandel interference using independent phase randomized weak coherent states. E Moschandreou, JI Garcia, BJ Rollick, B Qi, R Pooser, and G Siopsis. Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (17), 3752-3759 (2018).
- Demonstration of a Bayesian quantum game on an ion-trap quantum computer. N Solmeyer, NM Linke, C Figgatt, KA Landsman, R Balu, G Siopsis, et al. Quantum Science and Technology 3 (4), 045002 (2018).
- Quantum prisoners’ dilemma under enhanced interrogation. G Siopsis, R Balu, and N Solmeyer. Quantum Information Processing 17 (6), 144 (2018).
- Physical realization of topological quantum walks on IBM-Q and beyond. R Balu, D Castillo, and G Siopsis. Quantum Science and Technology 3 (3), 035001 (2018).
- Quantum computation of scattering amplitudes in scalar quantum electrodynamics. K Yeter-Aydeniz, G Siopsis. Physical Review D 97 (3), 036004 (2018).
- Continuous-variable quantum Gaussian process regression and quantum singular value decomposition of nonsparse low-rank matrices. S Das, G Siopsis, and C Weedbrook. Physical Review A 97 (2), 022315 (2018).
- Fundamental limits on quantum dynamics based on entropy change. S Das, S Khatri, G Siopsis, and MM Wilde. Journal of Mathematical Physics 59 (1), 012205 (2018).